Posoški razvojni center (PRC) as a regional development agency brings knowledge, opportunities and development to the Upper Soča Valley region. Our main aim is to enhance sustainable development in the field of environment, rural development and human resources. We’re responsible for drawing up development programmes for the region and form a link between research actors, SME’s, public sector and municipality level in the region. PRC is managing LAG for Upper Soča Valley and several projects financed through Leader/CLLD instrument. In the recent years it has been involved in projects promoting local food and short food supply chains by encouraging regional public institutions (schools, kinder gardens, etc.) to act as conscious consumers.
Background and previous experience related to local food promotion or tourism activities:
- Cheese Tolminc – The King of Mountain Paradise: The project directly helped to receive EU certificate of protected designation of origin (PDO). PRC was responsible for certification, the support of production, promotion of the cheese trough recipes, materials, info points and festivals, educational workshops for farmers, control of quality, etc. Programme: LEADER 2007-2013, LP.
- Gardens of Goriška: promotion of local food production and sales. Programme: Cross border cooperation Programme Slovenia – Italia 2007-2013, PP.
- KROG: Promoting agriculture, handicraft industry and gastronomy at Emerald Route. Programme: LEADER 2007-2013, LP.
- GRAPE: establishing the brand for locally produced food. Programme: LEADER 2007-2013, LP.
Other projects financed by LEADER:
- Strengthening Local Identity – project about establishing cooperative link between tourist and farm sector – LP,
- The network of thematic trails in the area of local action group – LP,
- Linking local typical products of rural areas – LP,
- The creation of conditions for the presentation of rural products – LP,
- Improving and extending the offer of rural area – LP,
- School children and eco-farming – LP,
- Cheese curd and whey-the preservation of tradition – LP,
- Local food in kindergartens and schools – external expert in the project.
Posoški razvojni center
Address: Trg tigrovcev 1, 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia
W: www.prc.si
Tjaša Maurič
E: tjasa.mauric@prc.si
T: +386 5 38 41 883 F: +386 5 38 41 504
Peter Domevšček
E: peter.domevscek@prc.si
T: +386 5 38 41 508 F: +386 5 38 41 504
- Tolmin