Cheese TOURs in Soča Valley


TastyCheeseTOUR is establishing cheese trails in Soča Valley!

The first initiative gathered all relevant stakeholders in cheese and tourism sector and offered a firm step forward in making cheese and cheese-makers stories an important part of tourist offer in the valley. More than 25 cheese producers and tour operators signed the letter of intent, with which they commit to actively participate in the creation of new tourism product – Soča Valley cheese trails. We’re more than happy to have them on board!


Welcome to check out the video about the workshop published on the national TV (SI language). Please follow this link (from 12:23 on),

or read this article.



Projekt TastyCheeseTOUR vzpostavlja Mlečne poti v dolini Soče!

Konec novembra so se na prvi skupni delavnici zbrali sirarji in turistični ponudniki in dosegli pomemben korak naprej v prizadevanjih za obogatitev turistične ponudbe doline Soče.  S podpisom pisma o nameri so potrdili svojo pripravljenost za sodelovanje pri oblikovanju novega turističnega produkta – mlečnih poti v dolini Soče, ki bodo prikazovale bogato tradicijo sirarstva v dolini nekoč in danes.


Posnetek si lahko ogledate na tej povezavi (od 12:23 dalje), ali pa si preberete ta članek.

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© Copyright 2016 by TastyCheeseTour Project Concept by Superficie 8